Why this page?

I've been writing my own songs for 25 years. Some of them really weren't worth the time, others I could perform occasionally,  and a few of them were worth spending hours recording them.


I try to record my old songs and I try to create new songs. Whatever I do, it takes time. I hope that little by little I can come up with an interesting range of songs,

Basically I'm doing this for myself, but of course I hope that people from around the world will also enjoy some of the songs.


Sometimes the songs aren't finished yet. There might be a missing solo part or a missing drum track. So whenever I find time, I'll try to complete or replace the songs. But as I said, it all takes plenty of time.


If you like this page and especially the songs, there's no space to spend applause in here.

But I do have a guestbook and I would like to invite you to give comments. If anyone writes into the guestbook I will first get an email before the comment goes online. So there is no sense in sending commercials, pornographics, spams or alike.


Last but not least:

If you want to express your joy, pleasure and delight you either might want to give a donation to any animal welfare or you donate to me and I'll transfer it to an animal welfare organisation:

Peter Weiler IBAN: DE94660908000009757716     BIC: GENODE61BBB


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© Peter Weiler